Trademark: 98211066
Status Code
Status Date
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Serial Number
Mark Type
Filing Date
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Trademark Owner History

9 Downloadable software and digital files, namely, videos, mp3s, podcasts, webinars, webcasts, audio books, mobile application software, CDs, DVDs, and downloadable audio and visual recordings, featuring information and training programs in the fields of improving personal and professional dialogue skills, optimizing and assessing team and individual performance and effectiveness, fostering interpersonal relationship skills, improving interpersonal relationships and interpersonal communications, increasing psychological safety in the workplace, improving workplace dynamics and development, leadership skills, increasing productivity, assisting with workplace changes, improving organizational communication skills, behavior, and culture, corporate and personal measurement and assessment, improving employee engagement, improving customer service and customer relationships, diversity and inclusion awareness and education in the workplace, neuroscience as it relates to workplace dynamics, quantum social science, improving listening skills, and conflict management, all of the foregoing for professional and personal development; Downloadable electronic publications in the nature of manuals, workbooks, guides, periodical publications, magazines, books, blogs, documents, articles, and newsletters in the fields of improving personal and professional dialogue skills, optimizing and assessing team and individual performance and effectiveness, fostering interpersonal relationship skills, improving interpersonal relationships and interpersonal communications, increasing psychological safety in the workplace, improving workplace dynamics and development, leadership skills, increasing productivity, assisting with workplace changes, improving organizational communication skills, behavior, and culture, corporate and personal measurement and assessment, improving employee engagement, improving customer service and customer relationships, diversity and inclusion awareness and education in the workplace, neuroscience as it relates to workplace dynamics, quantum social science, improving listening skills, and conflict management, all of the foregoing for professional and personal development

Trademark Events
Oct 14, 2023
New Application Office Supplied Data Entered
Oct 9, 2023
New Application Entered

Trademark Alertz updated from USPTO on 2030-01-24