Trademark: 98107956
Status Code
Status Date
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Serial Number
Mark Type
Filing Date
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Trademark Owner History

9 Computer software for use in controlling the operation and execution of computer systems, programs, and networks; Computer software for use in connecting disparate computer networks and systems, servers and storage devices; Computer operating system software; Computer software for linking together computers and for enabling computing across a globally accessible network; Computer software for managing hardware, software and processes that exist within an information technology environment, and instructional manuals sold as a unit therewith; All of the above relating specifically to cognitive computing technologies that provide multi-modal natural language processing, generation, reasoning and machine learning for contextual analysis and natural interaction
35 Business management and consultancy; Business information services; Business management consulting services and business management and consulting services relating to a computer that integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics (CL), Information Retrieval (IR) and Machine Learning (ML) which is capable of understanding general human queries and formulating responses; Business development services; Data processing services and cloud-based business services, namely, business consultation services via cloud computing networks; All of the above relating specifically to cognitive computing technologies that provide multi-modal natural language processing, generation, reasoning and machine learning for contextual analysis and natural interaction
42 Computer programming; Design, updating and maintenance of computer software; Computer software and hardware design for others, and consultation services in the field of computers; Computer services, namely, technology support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing of computer hardware and computer software problems for a computer that integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics (CL), Information Retrieval (IR) and Machine Learning (ML) which is capable of understanding general human queries and formulating responses; Computer systems analysis, integration of computer systems and networks, computer programming for others all for use in commercial interactions over global computer networks; Computer software and hardware testing services; Technical project studies in the field of computer hardware and software, namely, computer system analysis studies; Consultancy in the field of computer hardware, namely, consultancy regarding computer research and development; Computer systems analysis; scientific and industrial research, namely, research and development of new products, biological research, technical research in the field of a computer that integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics (CL), Information Retrieval (IR) and Machine Learning (ML) which is capable of understanding general human queries and formulating responses, and scientific research for medical purpose; Computer systems integration services; Computer consultation services; Consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others; Computer systems design services for others; Computer systems analysis; Interconnection of computer hardware and software, namely, integration of computer systems and networks; Computer software and hardware testing services, namely, testing of computer software, computers and servers; Installation, updating and maintenance of computer software; Computer programming for others; All of the above relating specifically to cognitive computing technologies that provide multi-modal natural language processing, generation, reasoning and machine learning for contextual analysis and natural interaction

Trademark Events
Mar 30, 2024
Assigned To Examiner
Aug 29, 2023
New Application Office Supplied Data Entered
Aug 2, 2023
New Application Entered

Trademark Alertz updated from USPTO on 2030-01-24