Trademark: 97032601
Status Code
Status Date
Friday, October 22, 2021
Serial Number

Trademark Owner History

16 Printed and digital reports featuring electronic API integration, monitoring and reporting of data for telecommunication and cloud services, hardware and circuits, namely, activation information, installation and project management information, cost information, contract information, order and installation status information, and order and site location information
42 Electronic API integration, monitoring and reporting of data for telecommunication and cloud services, hardware and circuits, namely, activation information, installation and project management information, cost information, contract information, order and installation status information, and order and site location information
The mark consists of a layout for a status report with various menus and widgets depicting the corresponding information. Along the top of the mark the words "Circuit Activation Forecast" are shown. There are menus titled Business Unit, Region, Country, Circuit Delivery Phase Qtr and Site Number. Below the menu is a "Circuit Activation Timeline" with columns for various data along with a status key. In the bottom left corner is a widget titled "Circuits." In the bottom right corner is a widget titled "Details" that includes various data in columns.

Trademark Events
Dec 22, 2021
Teas Request To Change Filing Date.
Sep 21, 2021
New Application Entered In Tram

Trademark Alertz updated from USPTO on 2030-01-24