Trademark: 87208402
Status Code
Status Date
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Serial Number

Trademark Owner History

43 Restaurant services, including sit-down service of food and take-out restaurant services
The color(s) red, 29.07.01; orange, 29.07.07; white, 29.07.09; and black, 29.07.11, and brown is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
The mark consists of The mark is claimed under the category of humans. It includes the head, 02.01.01, cowboys/westerners, 02.01.07, and Spaniards/Mexicans, 02.01.10. It involves the figure holding a drink and is for eating and drinking, 02.09.01. The figure is a Mexican or Spanish male with a sombrero, 09.05.06, who is wearing a jacket or coat, 09.03.01, He is wearing boots, 09.07.01. In front of the human figure is a rectangle tilted upwards to the right when facing the image with the words in English, Emilio's Almost Famous within the rectangle in two rows in all capital letters. The figure is holding a cup in his right hand, and is holding an item of food looking like a burrito in his left hand. The figure has a black handle bar mustache. A muli-tcolored circle surrounds the figure in the background. The entire figure and back ground circles are outlined in black. The figure is primarily white with black outlines.

Trademark Events
Oct 22, 2016
New Application Entered In Tram

Trademark Alertz updated from USPTO on 2030-01-24